Wednesday 29 August 2012

29 Aug 2012: Day 4 Muay Thai Fitness

DAY 4:

Its a normal routine for me to woke up and reached to office late. My muscle didn't feed pain that much anymore.  As for my plan, I won't be doing much today because I have a muay thai class.

My Work out

As a beginner of 4 months in Muay Thai, the warming up and strecthing itself is already enough to get myself sweat.  but it's too bad for me as I reach the class late for 1 hour.  I need to continue or else I losing money for the paid class.  During the stretching, I also did some rope skipping and push up. after that the coach will teach a new move of muay thai.  I will excel in this game.

My Diet

Breakfast: I had cereal for breakfast today , I hope cereal with milk will have the enough nutrition for all of my training.

Lunch: My colleague and I go to the food stall. I only take medium size of meals. But what's no so good is that before lunch I actually ate some biscuit.   I really hope it's ok

Dinner: I only had my dinner after muay thai class which was at  11.30 pm.  I take away my dinner from a chinese stall, it's the chicken flesh cooked with water lily vegetable with some hot and oily spices. At home, i fried an egg and had it without the york..  I hope I got enough protein.

My Body.

Tomorrow's Plan,

For tomorrow, I hope to control my appetite of eating. as for training, I will be doing Intercal Training for 3 sets.

P/S: My internet connection is still slow, will be posting photo soon.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

28 Aug 2012: Day 3 Eating, Parties and Training.

Day 3

It is only third day, I began to  lose my path.  But i know that I should not give up.  Temptation is every way. When I fall down, I just need to get up.  Well today as I said I am going to have 2 celebrations.

My diet

The first one was my office Aidilfitri Lunch Celebration and I fulfil my hunger like there's no tomorrow.  I keep on reminding myself to stop eating but, when I looked at the food, I started to think, it's ok I just started six pack program, soon I'll get myself control, no harm to eat some more. At the end i ate 5 rounds including noodle, nuggets, ice cream, cookies, crackers, sweet juices and more. There's nothing bad about the food, but just the quantity I took was really ruin my diet. What's worst was after lunch, at 5pm, I serve myself with all the leftover food. This is really Bad.

The second celebration was my friend birthday, he treated us with big dinner.  I actually came late hoping that no more food left,  and I can  be happy to skip big dinner but at least turn up to his birthday.  But When I arrived, all of my friends were glad to see me as they have a lot more left over food for me. OMG, I can't decline but to eat all of them that's includes cheese chocolate cake, beer, and some chinese dishes. No, I am not going to blame anyone.

My Training

It was late like around 10.00pm, my friend, my girlfriend and I went to gym for a jog. with $8 per head, we started to have our work out session.  So I did only one set of interval training but a little different way.


1)  5 minutes slow jog  - warm up.

2) 1 minutes 80% - fast pace.
3) 2 minutes  40% - moderate pace

4) 1 minutes 80% - fast pace

5) 2 minutes  40% - moderate pace

6) 1 minutes 80% - fast pace

7) 3 minutes  20% - slow jog.

I got sweat a lot for only 15 minutes running on the thread mill.   So for next session, i will be doing 3 sets of this interval training.

My Body shot

Tomorrow's plan

I will be attending Muay Thai class from 8.30 pm to 10.20pm, so I wont be doing any resistance training or interval training.

Although, I had  break the training rules, I know I shouldn't give up. I faced the challenge.   I know I have a big appetite, or may be I like to eat more because i don't want to waste all the food.   I will try again to control my appetite next time.

Thanks for  reading.

PS(1): Internet connection is too slow, will be posting photo soon.

Monday 27 August 2012

27 Aug 2012 : Day 2 Muscle Aching But I continue

After day 1, My muscle start to feel the pain, I got it around my chest, back, buttock thigh ,calf, biceps and triceps and also I can feel some aching at may abs.  Somehow I feel good and satisfied.  My muscle mus had been shock my the intensive training I did yesterday.

Well as for Day 2, I promise to myself to do some resistance training.  I have to tell you it's not easy because this is Monday, a day where most people hate and get tired easily.  I don't have other choice if I want a six pack abs but to be POSITIVE. I got jp,e a little bit late from work 8.40pm and only started to work out aroung 9.00pm after taking some cereal. Cereal?! yes cereal, I need some energy booster.

My training:

A1: Standard pushups (3 sets with 20 reps each)

I managed to do it though I have aching body.  Something to mention that while doing push up, my cat Froggy walk to my front and she looked at me with a shock and wide eyes.  I could not continue but have to stop for awhile.  i guess she was surprise to see me doing push ups.

A2: Body Squat (3 sets with 20 reps each)

Done but I can feel my thigh aching

B1: Stationary Lunges (3 sets with 15-20 reps each)


B2: Pull ups (3 sets with 15-20 reps each)

As I had plan, I managed to do 2 reps for 3 sets of pull ups, ( one and a half actually) It is still the most difficult routine for me. I hope to be able to do 3 reps for tomorrow.  I salute to those who can do it and I am on my way.

C1: Burpees (3 sets with 15 reps each)


C2: Plank (3 sets with 45 seconds each)

Done. Again Froggy walked  to me and she went under my belly before I chase her away. Hahaha! Was she curious or was she  teasing me..?

For further info on this training, you can go to this site.

My Meals

Breakfast : Small Meal:  Hi fibre chocolate cereal with milk.
I think this is not enough but I only manage to prepare this for breakfast.

Lunch: Large Meal: Rice, fish, cucumber and brinjal.  

I went out with my colleague with for lunch.   I felt very hungry and I took large meal though I was aware of what am I doing.  I enjoy it but I need to take control next time.

Dinner: Small Meal: Hi fibre chocolate cereal with milk and  and Instant Brown Rice with honey. 

To compensate my dietary in the afternoon. I took small meal for dinner. and I am going to feel hungry who the whole night.
 My body for Day 2.

Tomorrow's plan
As for interval of my training session, i will be doing Interval Training Cardio. But there's two thing I am gonna have tomorrow. First, Aidilfitri celebration with my colleague for lunch and second,  friend's birthday for dinner. I will try to control my appetite...!! let's see

Thanks for reading.

P/S (1): I will be posting some photo of me training soon.
P/S (2): I had posted some photo.  :)