Wednesday 29 August 2012

29 Aug 2012: Day 4 Muay Thai Fitness

DAY 4:

Its a normal routine for me to woke up and reached to office late. My muscle didn't feed pain that much anymore.  As for my plan, I won't be doing much today because I have a muay thai class.

My Work out

As a beginner of 4 months in Muay Thai, the warming up and strecthing itself is already enough to get myself sweat.  but it's too bad for me as I reach the class late for 1 hour.  I need to continue or else I losing money for the paid class.  During the stretching, I also did some rope skipping and push up. after that the coach will teach a new move of muay thai.  I will excel in this game.

My Diet

Breakfast: I had cereal for breakfast today , I hope cereal with milk will have the enough nutrition for all of my training.

Lunch: My colleague and I go to the food stall. I only take medium size of meals. But what's no so good is that before lunch I actually ate some biscuit.   I really hope it's ok

Dinner: I only had my dinner after muay thai class which was at  11.30 pm.  I take away my dinner from a chinese stall, it's the chicken flesh cooked with water lily vegetable with some hot and oily spices. At home, i fried an egg and had it without the york..  I hope I got enough protein.

My Body.

Tomorrow's Plan,

For tomorrow, I hope to control my appetite of eating. as for training, I will be doing Intercal Training for 3 sets.

P/S: My internet connection is still slow, will be posting photo soon.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

28 Aug 2012: Day 3 Eating, Parties and Training.

Day 3

It is only third day, I began to  lose my path.  But i know that I should not give up.  Temptation is every way. When I fall down, I just need to get up.  Well today as I said I am going to have 2 celebrations.

My diet

The first one was my office Aidilfitri Lunch Celebration and I fulfil my hunger like there's no tomorrow.  I keep on reminding myself to stop eating but, when I looked at the food, I started to think, it's ok I just started six pack program, soon I'll get myself control, no harm to eat some more. At the end i ate 5 rounds including noodle, nuggets, ice cream, cookies, crackers, sweet juices and more. There's nothing bad about the food, but just the quantity I took was really ruin my diet. What's worst was after lunch, at 5pm, I serve myself with all the leftover food. This is really Bad.

The second celebration was my friend birthday, he treated us with big dinner.  I actually came late hoping that no more food left,  and I can  be happy to skip big dinner but at least turn up to his birthday.  But When I arrived, all of my friends were glad to see me as they have a lot more left over food for me. OMG, I can't decline but to eat all of them that's includes cheese chocolate cake, beer, and some chinese dishes. No, I am not going to blame anyone.

My Training

It was late like around 10.00pm, my friend, my girlfriend and I went to gym for a jog. with $8 per head, we started to have our work out session.  So I did only one set of interval training but a little different way.


1)  5 minutes slow jog  - warm up.

2) 1 minutes 80% - fast pace.
3) 2 minutes  40% - moderate pace

4) 1 minutes 80% - fast pace

5) 2 minutes  40% - moderate pace

6) 1 minutes 80% - fast pace

7) 3 minutes  20% - slow jog.

I got sweat a lot for only 15 minutes running on the thread mill.   So for next session, i will be doing 3 sets of this interval training.

My Body shot

Tomorrow's plan

I will be attending Muay Thai class from 8.30 pm to 10.20pm, so I wont be doing any resistance training or interval training.

Although, I had  break the training rules, I know I shouldn't give up. I faced the challenge.   I know I have a big appetite, or may be I like to eat more because i don't want to waste all the food.   I will try again to control my appetite next time.

Thanks for  reading.

PS(1): Internet connection is too slow, will be posting photo soon.

Monday 27 August 2012

27 Aug 2012 : Day 2 Muscle Aching But I continue

After day 1, My muscle start to feel the pain, I got it around my chest, back, buttock thigh ,calf, biceps and triceps and also I can feel some aching at may abs.  Somehow I feel good and satisfied.  My muscle mus had been shock my the intensive training I did yesterday.

Well as for Day 2, I promise to myself to do some resistance training.  I have to tell you it's not easy because this is Monday, a day where most people hate and get tired easily.  I don't have other choice if I want a six pack abs but to be POSITIVE. I got jp,e a little bit late from work 8.40pm and only started to work out aroung 9.00pm after taking some cereal. Cereal?! yes cereal, I need some energy booster.

My training:

A1: Standard pushups (3 sets with 20 reps each)

I managed to do it though I have aching body.  Something to mention that while doing push up, my cat Froggy walk to my front and she looked at me with a shock and wide eyes.  I could not continue but have to stop for awhile.  i guess she was surprise to see me doing push ups.

A2: Body Squat (3 sets with 20 reps each)

Done but I can feel my thigh aching

B1: Stationary Lunges (3 sets with 15-20 reps each)


B2: Pull ups (3 sets with 15-20 reps each)

As I had plan, I managed to do 2 reps for 3 sets of pull ups, ( one and a half actually) It is still the most difficult routine for me. I hope to be able to do 3 reps for tomorrow.  I salute to those who can do it and I am on my way.

C1: Burpees (3 sets with 15 reps each)


C2: Plank (3 sets with 45 seconds each)

Done. Again Froggy walked  to me and she went under my belly before I chase her away. Hahaha! Was she curious or was she  teasing me..?

For further info on this training, you can go to this site.

My Meals

Breakfast : Small Meal:  Hi fibre chocolate cereal with milk.
I think this is not enough but I only manage to prepare this for breakfast.

Lunch: Large Meal: Rice, fish, cucumber and brinjal.  

I went out with my colleague with for lunch.   I felt very hungry and I took large meal though I was aware of what am I doing.  I enjoy it but I need to take control next time.

Dinner: Small Meal: Hi fibre chocolate cereal with milk and  and Instant Brown Rice with honey. 

To compensate my dietary in the afternoon. I took small meal for dinner. and I am going to feel hungry who the whole night.
 My body for Day 2.

Tomorrow's plan
As for interval of my training session, i will be doing Interval Training Cardio. But there's two thing I am gonna have tomorrow. First, Aidilfitri celebration with my colleague for lunch and second,  friend's birthday for dinner. I will try to control my appetite...!! let's see

Thanks for reading.

P/S (1): I will be posting some photo of me training soon.
P/S (2): I had posted some photo.  :)

Sunday 26 August 2012

26 Aug 2012 : Day 1 - Let's get started!

Day 1

I woke up late and I skipped breakfast. Well it's Sunday, suppose  a rest day for me. But I am eager to start training! So Sunday started late!

My Lunch:

I had a Indonesian traditional food Penyet Fish, which i don't think is a bad diet. But as for this 16 weeks program, this shall be my last eating such a big meal.  The truth is I am not sure what's big and what's small. But I am used to this amount of meals and I am having a big belly, so what I can do is to reduce the size of meal.

Penyet Catfish - Real delicious cuisines.  There's fried catfish, a bowl of rice, slices of cabbage, cracker, Sambal chili based sauce, lime and souce. I consider this a big meals.

My Trainning:

I know how important training is, but I still need to socialized,  after all its Sunday. So, I went for jog with my friends for about 30 minutes at a recreational park. It's a slow jog because my girlfriend can only run and walk slowly, but I am with her supporting her effort too.  My friends and I enjoyed it. As a result from my pedometer, I only run 4806 steps (not the whole day), far from the 10000 steps a day rule. But I think this is a good start.

Pedometer shows 4806 steps

After Jogging, I am suppose to stop any training, but I was to eager to do something. So, at home, I read the and start the WEEK 1 program for Resistance Training.  This is what I did:


A1: Standard pushups (3 sets with 20 reps each)

Seriously pushup feels to be very hard for me since I stop active lifestyle and working in the         office.  I stop halfway in the third set before continuing to finish it.

A2: Body Squat (3 sets with 20 reps each)


B1: Stationary Lunges (3 sets with 15-20 reps each)


B2: Pull ups (3 sets with 15-20 reps each)

I have to admits I failed to do this, I only can do one yet it's not a complete pull ups. So I decided to skipped pull ups, but will try to do it daily and with gradually increase the reps.

C1: Burpees (3 sets with 15 reps each)


C2: Plank (3 sets with 45 seconds each)



I guess there's a lot to improve.  One more thing is that I need to follow the combination resistance training rules.

My Dinner

For my dinner, I try to get the best from the food stall because I don't cook for myself.  I am ordering a Chinese food Chicken Siu Pak Choy Rice and drink Ice Chinese Tea. It's taste good and I am sure it's a balance diet.

Chinese food: Chicken Siu Pak Choy Rice. Siu Pak Choy is a chinese vegetable. It's medium size of meal, delicious and healthy diet.

Tomorrow's Plan

As for second day, I plan to do the resistance trainning and try to improve my pulls up.  I won't be doing any cardio as adviced in many fitness articles.

Day 1 photo: Just Started and I am glad it started.

I feels that I had a good start for this program and I hope I can keep this till I gain my six pack abs. Thanks for reading.

P/S (1): I will be posting some photos too.
P/S (2): I had posted some photos.  Hopefully I will be able to post some training photo or video..

Saturday 25 August 2012

Introduction: Getting my six pack Abs.

This is my journal of working to get six pack abs. It's been years I had work to get six pack but failed due to my inconsistent attitude and could be due to wrong technique or ineffective dietary.  So I had decided to put my daily routine in this blog, so that I will have the full commitment on my effort.

I believe that every man in this world will would like to have good looking figure. That's especially the SIX PACK ABS - you can exclude yourself if you are not one.  And I believe if there's a magic spell, or pills, or quick method to make men to have a six pack in a second or short period of time, it will be another big breakout business. But the reality is there's not short cut to have a six pack.  a lot of effort, commitment and time need to be invested for a six pack abs and not all men are willing to take up the challenge for themselves.  But as for me, I really want to get six pack abs for myself.

Please to introduce myself, without telling my real name, I am 27 years old engineer.  Although I am busy with work, I actually just sit in the office and work using a computer which is so bad for my body.  I am totally not active and keeping a stack of fat in my body especially my belly. I have been keeping this big belly since I started studying in the university until and I graduated and entered the working.   life, I feel bad about it. I had tried going to the gym, doing daily running, diet, and more but still could not get six pack abs. I think I did the wrong technique and  it is actually stressed me out.

What's so important about six pack? As I mentioned before,  I am 27 years old single man and I consider myself as still young  But by looking at my body, I feel that I am an big belly older man.  Not only that, my big belly can be seen without me taking off my shirt.   I have low self esteem especially when it's time to get my shirt off at the beach. I got teased by friends although they them self have big belly too.  Yes i could ignore them, but I  know that can and I must do something about it.

As a strategy to my plan, I will be using the technique from I just found it and couldn't wait to get started. In this method, I will accommodate 16 weeks to see the result and this include the dietary too. So, within this 16 weeks, I will be doing and sharing how to get six pack abs, exercise, dietary and any information related to six pack abs and healthy lifestyle.

There a lot website and blog had done the same as i did, most of them suceeded, Why couldn't I.  I really hope to see my six pack abs after 8 years living with my big belly and I hope this blog would be others inspiration in the building of six pack abs.

So starting my self with 72 kg (159 lbs) with 37" circumference of belly. No six pack abs here. There's no need to show my face as it is not important. I will be showing it when I had six pack later on.  Please pray for my success and yourself if you in the same road as me.

Thanks for reading.